Finding Animal Care

What You Should Do if Your Dog Has Fleas

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If your dog has fleas, they can quickly spread throughout your home, to other pets as well, and they can be very difficult to get rid of. If your dog has fleas, you need to take action immediately and do what you can to get rid of them quickly. Fleas can be a major nuisance and they can cause your dog to scratch so much that they end up with hot spots, skin irritation and they could also end up with other issues as well.…

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Ingrown Feathers In Pet Birds: What You Should Do

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Have you ever had an ingrown hair? It’s a common enough problem, often related to hair removal. Instead of growing outwards, the hair curls around and begins to grow back into the skin. The skin heals over the hair, creating a small inflammation that resembles a pimple or cyst. These ingrown hairs are usually self-correcting; however, it can take some minor exfoliation to release the hair and encourage it to grow outwards.…

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2 Reasons to Take Your Pet to a Local Pet Hospital

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If you have a pet, you hope that they are going to be healthy for their whole life. Sadly. that doesn’t always happen. Your pet could get sick or get hurt, which means that you are going to have to do something about that. During the week and during business hours, that can mean taking your pet to your vet’s office. But that’s not always a choice on the weekend or after hours.…

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